NHS Digital has published research showing a link between children living with obesity and deprivation.
According to the research the prevalence of reception-aged children in England living with obesity during 2021-22 was more than twice as high in the most deprived areas (13.6 per cent) than in the least deprived areas (6.2 per cent).
With year 6 children, 31.3 per cent are living with obesity in the most deprived areas, this figure is 13.5 per cent in the least deprived areas.
The National Child Measurement Programme, is published by NHS Digital and overseen by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities.
In geographical terms, the prevalence of reception-aged children living with obesity in 2021-22 was 11.4 per cent in the North East and 11.3 per cent in the West Midlands. This compares to 8.7 per cent in the South East, 8.9 per cent in the South West and 9.2 per cent in the East of England.
With regards to change over time, the prevalence of reception-aged children living with obesity had been relatively stable since 2006-07, however there was a 4.6 percentage point increase from 9.9 per cent in
2019-20 to 14.4 percent in 2020-21. The coincides with the pandemic.