A trial has been launched in Cornwall to enable patients to carry out health checks at home.
NHS Digital Health Check is part of government plans to digitise existing face-to-face health checks.
The intention is to make patients' lives easier and reduce pressure on GP surgeries.
The trial is the first of its kind in England and involves patients taking an online questionnaire, using a kit to take a blood sample at home, and completing a blood pressure check at their local pharmacy or in their GP’s waiting room.
The NHS Health Check is a check-up for adults in England aged 40 to 74 designed to prevent stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some types of dementia. 15 million people are eligible for the checks, which are currently delivered through face-to-face appointments with GPs.
2,000 people from three GP surgeries in Cornwall are invited to take part in the trial.
Minister for Public Health Neil O’Brien said: "Innovation is key to a modern, forward looking National Health Service, and this trial will help us understand what a new digital NHS Health Check could look like in the years to come.
"The health check is crucial in preventing and identifying potentially life-threatening conditions, and this digital version will do just that while making patients’ lives easier and reducing pressure on frontline services.
"During the pandemic people got used to doing tests at home and getting their results online, so this trial is an opportunity for us to apply some of the lessons we learnt during Covid and improve the way we deliver healthcare.
"I urge everyone invited to take part in the trial so we can get the best possible data as we look to roll out a national digital check."