Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid has announced the most comprehensive flu vaccination programme in UK history, meaning millions more people could benefit from a free flu vaccine this year.
From September 2021, providers will offer the flu vaccine to over 35 million people during the upcoming winter season, including all secondary school students up to Year 11 for the first time.
Working with the NHS, the government is preparing to deliver the expanded flu programme alongside any booster programme for coronavirus vaccines as part of wider autumn and winter planning, which centres around protecting as many lives as possible.
During the 2021/22 season, which starts in September, the flu jab will be available to: all children aged two and three on 31 August 2021; all children in primary school and all children in school Years 7 to 11 in secondary school; those aged six months to under 50 years in clinical risk groups; pregnant women; those aged 50 years and over; unpaid carers; close contacts of immunocompromised individuals; and frontline health and adult social care staff.
The enlarged flu drive will build on last year’s expanded flu programme, where flu vaccinations opened up to 50 to 64-year-olds and Year 7 pupils for the first time, with the aim of offering protection to as many eligible people as possible.
Javid said: “Flu can be a serious illness and we want to build a wall of protection by immunising a record number of people. With the nation getting closer to normal life, we must learn to live with Covid-19 alongside other viruses and we’re offering the free flu jab to millions more people to help keep them safe this winter. The phenomenal scale of the Covid-19 vaccination programme is a clear demonstration of the positive impact vaccination can make and I encourage all those eligible to get their flu jab when called forward.”