According to a report published by the NHS AI Lab and Health Education England, all health and care staff should be trained in AI (artificial intelligence), with those who use AI tools in clinical practice receiving specialist training.
As AI is likely to spread further through the health system, the report has set out recommendations for education and training providers in order for them to develop and deliver AI training.
The report claims that that specialist training is needed for those using AI, for example in procurement, implementation or clinical practice.
Brhmie Balaram, head of AI Research and Ethics at the NHS AI Lab, said: “For the NHS to wholly embrace new AI technologies so they are adopted equitably across the country it is vital that we ensure all our staff receive appropriate training in AI.
“This important new research will support those organisations that train our health and care workers to develop their curriculums to ensure staff of the future receive the training in AI they will need.
“This project is only one in a series at the NHS AI Lab to help ensure the workforce and local NHS organisations are ready for the further spread of AI technologies that have been found to be safe, ethical and effective.”