A collection of medical symbols.
Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, explains why innovation and greater use of technology hold significant potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the NHS.
Two people sit opposite each other. One of them is holding a clipboard and writing some notes.
Michael Laing; director of Integrated Community Services at County Durham Care Partnership gives an update on care in the county.
PPE people.
NHS Shared Business Services has launched its inaugural ‘Sustainable Healthcare Recycling & Waste Management’ framework to help the NHS meet its net zero targets.
Data numbers.
Dr Martin Farrier, chief clinical information officer at Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust on data
A forest with a beaker in it.
Anna Edwards, innovation project manager at Health Innovation West Midlands, discusses how we can reduce the environmental impacts of medicines and the challenges being faced to achieve this.
A row of elecric car chargers.
Energy costs are high, especially for a large medical sites. One hospital has come up with an innovative solution.
A row of fire extinguishers.
The Fire Industry Association (FIA) looks at best practice for fire safety in public buildings.
A sign says 'NHS'. A car park in the background is out of focus with a blue car visible.
In the stressful environment of hospitals and healthcare settings, signage plays a crucial role in guiding patients, visitors, and healthcare staff.
A block of RAAC.
In October last year, the Department of Health and Social Care published an updated list on hospital sites in England that are confirmed to contain reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC). But what does it all mean?

What’s going on in healthcare parking right now?
Sarah Greenslade, public affairs and communications officer at the British Parking Association looks at some of the problems and innovations in healthcare parking.