Health Business 24.05

The Darzi review said the NHS is in a critical condition and the new government has promised change with a ten-year health plan with three strategic shifts: from hospital to community, from analogue to digital, and from treatment to prevention.

This issue of Health Business looks at addressing the maintenance backlog and the benefits this will have for patients.

The FPA take a look at how virtual, augmented, and mixed reality technologies are changing the fire safety landscape and The Water Hygiene Centre discuss the importance of an independent water safety audit.

When it comes to technology, we dive into the benefits of telehealth and also investigate how virtual reality is being used for training.

We have a feature on the benefits of using frameworks for procurement and also look at NHS SBS's Elective Recovery Combined Framework Agreement Solution.

In catering, we look at how sustainable sourcing can provide benefits for patients, as well as cut emissions and we also showcase some initiatives that are making hospital stays less daunting.

Polly Jones, editor

Health Business 24.5 cover