Urgent calls for blood donations across the country

There is an urgent call out for blood donors across the country as Covid impacts donations.

Blood stocks are falling across the country, mainly due to higher levels of staff and donor illness, linked to the rise of Covid cases. Areas particularly affected include Manchester, Liverpool, Nottingham and Leicester. This is also exacerbated by the fact that donations are often lower in the summer when people are busier with events and holidays.

Many sessions held in community venues are fully booked, but blood donor centres in cities have available appointments. Liverpool blood donor centre is 74 per cent booked and Manchester Norfolk House donor centre is 62 per cent booked. The Leicester donor centre is 44 per cent booked next week, while the Nottingham donor centre is 40 per cent booked.

The blood stock holding units in Liverpool and Manchester, which serve the cities and the wider region, currently hold four days worth of blood, compared to the expected six days.

The need for blood is back to the same levels as before the pandemic as postponed routine activities are now taking place.

The most in demand blood types are O positive, O negative and B negative.

Blood donations can be used to treat cancer and blood disorders as well as to treat those with medical trauma or having surgery, with each blood donation having the possibility to save or improve up to three lives.

The NHS Blood and Transplant organisation (NHSBT) assistant director of planning Mark Chambers said: “We are still supplying hospitals with all the blood they need. However we need to stop the decline in blood stocks now.

“We urgently need more people to make appointments to give blood at our Liverpool and Manchester donor centres.

“If you are one of our amazing donors in Liverpool and Manchester please make and keep an appointment.

“And if you have never donated before, now is a great time to make your first donation. You will be helping the NHS at an important time.

“Every appointment counts.”