NHS staff receive pay rise deal in Wales
Nurse examining medical records.

More than a hundred thousand public sector workers in Wales will get above inflation pay rises back-dated to April, the Welsh government has announced.

NHS staff will get a 5.5 per cent pay rise while doctors and dentists will receive six per cent.

First minister Eluned Morgan said the plans had taken longer to announce "because we needed to be sure that we can afford this".

Mark Drakeford, cabinet secretary for health and social care, said: "I want to see a fair and proportionate pay uplift across primary care, including community pharmacies, NHS optometry and all staff working in general practice and dental teams. This is in recognition of the vital role primary care, and its staff, plays in delivering essential services to people throughout Wales."

Drakeford said his office will enter negotiations with "representative bodies" over primary care contracts.

The Royal College of Midwives' (RCM) director for Wales, Julie Richards, was pleased the announcement had been made.

She added: "For too long our hardworking midwives and MSWs across Wales have been left in limbo and we have told the Government time and time again that this delay in announcing this and previous pay increases has really eroded the morale of our hardworking members, making many feel undervalued.”