Trusts to digitise maternity services
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Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust and Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust are set to digitise their maternity services.

The three trusts make up the Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Acute Hospital Alliance (BSW AHA) and it is hoped the new system will deliver a unified pregnancy record throughout the region.

Salisbury and Bath will go live in February 2025 and June 2025 respectively. The two trusts will transition from a dual paper and digital notes system to a fully digital system.

It is hoped the change will ensure that staff will have immediate access to pregnancy records, solving previous challenges associated with paper-based storage, such as when patients received care from different units or were unable to bring their paper records with them.

The trusts will transition to System C’s BadgerNet maternity system.

Clare Gilliland, Digital Lead Midwife at Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust said: “We’re looking forward to being able to use System C’s BadgerNet system to provide greater joined up care for our women and pregnant people. We were particularly interested in community functions as our midwives will be able to view the records offline in the event of no signal or wi-fi in the family home and reconnect when signal becomes available.”