Great British Energy to cut costs for 200 hospitals
Aerial view of building with solar panels and medical cross

Great British Energy’s first project will save millions on the energy bills of 200 schools and 200 hospitals, thanks to a total £200 million investment from the UK government. This plan will aim to put rooftop panels on top of these buildings.

Announced today (21st March) by the energy secretary, this is the first major project for the publicly owned Great British Energy, and will immediately begin working with schools, the NHS, and devolved governments to install solar panels, build local clean power and bring down energy bills.

Across England, £80 million will support around 200 schools, and almost a £100 million will be distributed among almost 200 NHS sites. This covers a third of NHS trusts to install rooftop solar panels that could power operations, with the potential to sell leftover energy back to the grid. The first panels are expected to be in place by the end of this summer.

Recently, schools and hospitals have struggled with rocketing energy bills in recent years, costing taxpayers millions of pounds, which has been driven by the UK’s reliance on fossil fuels. The NHS is the single biggest public sector energy user, with an estimated annual energy bill of £1.4 billion, which has more than doubled since 2019.

With the new solar panels from Great British Energy, the NHS could save up to £400 million over around 30 years. Each year, the average NHS site could save up to £45,000 per year on their annual energy bill if they had solar panels with complementary technologies installed such as batteries.

Local authorities and community energy groups will also receive nearly £12 million to help build local clean energy projects, such as community-led onshore wind and hydropower in rivers. A further £9.3 million will power schemes in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland such as community energy or rooftop solar for public buildings.

Energy secretary Ed Miliband said: “Right now, money that should be spent on your children’s education or your family’s healthcare is instead being wasted on sky-high energy bills.

“Great British Energy’s first major project will be to help our vital public institutions save hundreds of millions on bills to reinvest on the frontline. Great British Energy will provide power for publics and patients.”

“Parents at the school gate na patients in hospitals will experience the difference Great British Energy can make. This is our clean energy superpower mission in action, with lower bills and energy security for our country.”