The NHS Confederation is taking steps to tackle inequality and racism with the launch of a new anti-racism strategy.
The Commit, understand, act strategy has been developed by NHS Confederation members and its Black and Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff network.
In the strategy foreword, Matthew Taylor (Chief Executive) and Joan Saddler OBE (Director of Partnerships and Equality) state:
"Delivering the strategy will not be an easy process, but we can do no less if we are serious about healthcare leaders, and us as their membership body, being actively anti-racist.
"In a time of increasing inequality, thrown into sharp focus by the unequal impact of COVID-19 on black and minority ethnic communities and the global Black Lives Matter protests, it is imperative that we as the NHS Confederation lead the agenda and support our members to tackle inequality and racism. Tackling racism - including institutional and systemic racism - is key to better governance, service transformation, workforce retention and delivering our Public Sector Equality Duty. Anti-racist practice improves conditions for all communities.
"With a diverse and committed body of executive and non-executive healthcare leaders, we can tackle racism that facilitates health inequity. It’s time to commit, understand and act.
In her blog No Shortcuts to Tackling Racism, Joan Saddler OBE discusses what action the NHS Confederation is taking, and shares the the overwhelming evidence that racism produces inequity and reduces racialised communities’ access to, experiences of, and outcomes from, NHS care.