NHS cancer bus touring the country to raise awareness of symptoms

A double-decker bus has started touring the country to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of cancer and at the same time, encourage people to visit their GP for potentially life-saving checks if they notice something unusual.

In partnership with stagecoach, the NHS cancer 'bus-ting' tour has begun as a new survey data found that more than two in five people wouldn’t make a GP appointment if they noticed a change they thought could be cancer.

The survey also found that a quarter of people would wait to see if a potential symptom got better on its own or ignore it and hope it goes away.

The big blue bus, will carry NHS staff, charity workers and cancer survivors, who will provide expert advice to passers-by and help answer questions, discuss any worries, and get people directed to the right place.

The 450-mile tour will visit areas where early diagnosis rates for cancer are among the lowest, including Grimsby, Coventry, Nottingham, Basildon and Portsmouth.

Dame Cally Palmer, NHS England national cancer director, said: “Our eye-catching NHS cancer bus is back touring the country to help raise awareness of cancer symptoms, and get people talking about their health, with teams of experts on hand to answer any questions.

“While signs and symptoms vary for different cancers, there are common symptoms such as unexplained pain or discomfort for three weeks or more, an unexplained lump anywhere on the body or unexpected bleeding, and anyone experiencing any of these should not put off seeing their GP.

“The NHS is determined to catch even more cancers at an early stage, because we know the earlier people are diagnosed, the more likely treatment is to be successful. So don’t carry the worry of cancer with you, if something in your body doesn’t feel right, please come forward.”