The latest round of the Public Sector Decarbonisation scheme has opened for bids.
Public sector organisations are now able to bid for a share of £230 million of funding to to support significant low-carbon energy upgrades to their buildings, ranging from heat pumps and solar panels, to new energy efficiency measures such as insulation and low-energy lighting.
The latest round of bidding also marks the three-year anniversary of the scheme, which has so far allocated more than £2 billion to almost 1,000 public sector organisations across England.
Decarbonising the public sector with low carbon heating and energy efficiency measures is expected to save an estimated £650 million per year on average to 2037.
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust previously benefitted from the fund and have saved £54,500 on their annual energy bill thanks to a new air source heat pump at the Hospital of St Cross in Rugby and new solar panels and pipework insulation.
Lord Callanan, minister for energy efficiency and green finance, said: "We are a world-leader when it comes to reducing carbon emissions - and for us to reach our goal of net zero by 2050, we want to help public bodies like schools and hospitals to do their bit.
"We’ve made fantastic progress so far, helping more than 1,000 schools, hospitals and leisure centres. Today’s funding will now help even more organisations across England bring their bills down, while also cutting their emissions."