RCP calls for action to tackle racism in mental healthcare

New research from the Royal College of Psychiatrists has reported that six in ten Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic psychiatrists have faced overt or covert racism at work.

More than a quarter (29 per cent) of psychiatrists from a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic background who’ve experienced racism say that it affected their health and 41 per cent say it had an impact on patients or carers. However, more than half say that reporting a racist incident resulted in no change.

To tackle the problem the Royal College of Psychiatrists is calling for mandatory training that specifically covers the impact of unconscious bias on decision making and structural inequalities for all mental health staff. They are also making the case for recording incidents and collecting data on experience of discrimination across all stages of career progression, as well as developing guidance to support employers to stamp out discrimination and support staff.

Adrian James, President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, said: “It’s clear that prejudice and discrimination are deeply embedded across society and sadly even in healthcare. We need to empower mental healthcare staff to report racist incidents while offering assurances that decisive action will be taken when they do. No one should ever have to suffer racism and discrimination at work, it not only affects their own mental health but also the patient care they can provide.”