Reduction in hours for healthcare staff
A female health worker stands next to a window, her reflection in the glass next to her. She is wearing PPE.

NHS Agenda for Change staff in Scotland will see a reduction of 30 minutes in their working week from the start of April.

This included nurses, midwives, paramedics, allied health professionals, porters and more.

If, due to service pressures, safe staffing or wellbeing issues, it is not possible for a staff member to receive their 30 minute reduction they will be recompensed accordingly, until such times as the reduction can be accommodated.

The move follows a recommendation from a working group set up to implement a previous commitment to cut the number of working hours as part of the 2023/24 pay deal.

It is part of the plan to modernise the NHS Scotland Agenda for Change system.

Another measure agreed include a consistent approach to Protected Learning Time across all NHS Scotland Boards. Also, a defined process for undertaking a review of Band 5 nursing roles will be introduced.

Neil Gray, health secretary, said the Agenda for Change system "recognises the value, dedication and hard work of our staff and make NHS Scotland an employer of choice."

He added: “We expect NHS Boards to work in partnership with trade unions and staff to reduce the working week. This presents an opportunity to modernise how staff are rostered and work, ensuring that NHS Scotland is a leader in flexible and family friendly working practices."