Protecting patients, residents, and medical staff with face recognition technologies
Company Focus

Healthcare facilities depend on a secure environment to provide optimal care to patients, and safe working conditions for medical staff.

Face recognition solutions can scan faces of visitors, compare them to watch lists and instantly alert security staff to known troublemakers and unauthorized people.

The software can verify authorized staff to enter specific facilities and high-risk areas, and authenticate patients during registration and entrance processes.

Aged care homes need to guarantee that only authorized staff and registered visitors are allowed to enter the living areas. A face check can support efficient access control.

Residents’ differing levels of cognitive ability influences their mobility. Some can leave the premises, wander in the grounds, whilst others have to remain inside or only leave when accompanied. Face recognition technologies can monitor access rights to certain areas, and alert to an unattended person wandering off or leaving the building.

Residents often lose or borrow their keys, access cards and fobs, or don’t have the mobility and capabilities to use them. Facial recognition offers an easier, more hygienic way of accessing floors and rooms.

In addition, facial analysis technology can detect and alert to persons not wearing a required protective face mask.

Instant alerts for known people seen in live video streams

Cognitec’s FaceVACS-VideoScan product applies Cognitec’s premier face recognition technology to compare faces to image databases and instantly find known individuals.

Surpassing traditional video surveillance systems, the software detects people’s faces in live video streams or video footage, and stores video sequences of cropped faces (face streams) for each appearance in front of a camera. The unique technology then compares all appearances against each other in real time to determine and cluster identities.

If the person is found in a database, the software pushes an instant alert with both the live image and the database image, stored metadata, and the camera location(s) where the person was seen.

Healthcare and aged care facilities can detect and prevent unwanted behavior in much faster and more efficient ways, as security staff can track individuals at the surveillance desk, or receive alerts on mobile devices to act within the immediate vicinity of a suspect person.

On the other hand, FaceVACS-VideoScan can identify authorized individuals and frequent visitors in real time. Positive authentication can prompt access to restricted areas or alert personnel to provide special treatment.

People analysis, flow management, and crowd detection

Anonymous analysis of all face streams over time allows the software to compute people count, demographical information, people movement in time and space, and to detect frequent visitors and crowds. 

For example, FaceVACS-VideoScan can achieve a highly accurate person count, since a person seen once will be re-recognized and therefore not counted again. Operators can also receive an alarm if too many people gather in a specific area and measure waiting times to direct traffic. The analysis of traffic patterns and crowd incidents can help healthcare facilities create safer operating environments.

The trusted face recognition company

Cognitec is the only company worldwide that has worked exclusively on face recognition technology since its inception in 2002. Experiencing steady growth at business locations in Dresden, Boston and Sydney, the company is proud to maintain a stable, market-leading position within the industry, and to uphold the trust it has gained as a reliable, experienced provider of biometric technologies.

Various independent evaluation tests have proven the premier performance of the FaceVACS® software. Cognitec’s portfolio includes products for facial image database search, recorded video investigation, real-time video screening and people analytics, border control, and biometric photo capturing.
