Gain valuable insight with Adveco for gas to electric decarbonisation projects
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Adveco, the commercial hot water specialist, announces the launch of live metering of domestic hot water (DHW) systems for healthcare properties intending to replace existing gas systems with more sustainable electric technologies.

The Live Metering Service from Adveco is a simple-to-install, non-invasive onsite process that generates consistent six-minute data 24 hours per day from existing hot water systems to accurately understand actual usage, including critical peak demands and their profile shape. Adveco’s specialist engineers will visit to fit the meter and assess the site. The data will then be processed, and a report generated with design recommendations for a replacement system that meets the exact needs of the building.

The recommended replacement design will show carbon reduction and outline new operational costs. Accurate to the actual demands of the property, live metered designs avoid excess capital costs associated with oversizing and ensures operation within the limits of the existing electrical supply of the building.

Organisations which opt to purchase the recommended replacement system from Adveco will receive a 50% refund on the cost of implementing the initial Live Metering service.

Talk to Adveco about booking metering at your property