Valerie Phillips, healthcare expert at PA Consulting discusses the advancement and benefits of at-home testing
Barbara Harpham, chair of the Medical Technology Group explains how medical technology can help clear the backlog
Maeve Hully, director of volunteering, Helpforce explains the benefits of volunteering for patients, the workforce and the health service as a whole
Recruiting talent to the public sector is not easy, but here are some tips to help
Signage can bring real benefit to your organisation and it is a very cost-efficient way to do so. HB looks at the benefits of good signage
Will Lloyd, technical manager at the Fire Industry Association discusses the importance of fire safety in hospitals
Recognising and finding ways to meet the requirements of changing regulations and policy demands is crucial in reshaping our approach to sustainability. The ecological clock is ticking, and we must take urgent action to mitigate the impact of global warming. Here Richard Hipkiss, development director of the Modular and Portable Building Association (MPBA) makes a casefor volumetric manufactured buildings in shaping a net zero future
Barbara Harpham, chair of the Medical Technology Group explains how medical technology can help clear the backlog
With winter well under way, road maintenance is more important than ever. With large hospital sites having a surprising amount of mileage, it’s a good idea to get ahead before the cold weather gets worse
With winter now well underway, with cold weather, rain and even snow, there is lots of facilities management work you can do to protect your properties. HB shares ten top tips for facilities management prep for winter