Following numerous recent reports on the threat posed by antimicrobial resistant drugs, Health Business examines the recent deal the NHS made with Pharma to kickstart the development of drugs to fight hospital superbugs
As the World Health Organisation has recently claimed that Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is one of the top 10 public health threats facing humanity, Health Business examines their recent report into vaccination to fight AMR
Clean Air Day on 16 June saw the announcement that all NHS Trusts now have a green plan. Dr Nick Watts, Chief Sustainability Officer of the NHS looks at the impact this will have
Returning for a full in-person event this year, Healthcare Estates has a full programme with speakers and workshops covering a wide variety of topics in healthcare estates
While the Passivhaus standard is mostly used for housing, it is gradually gaining attention in the healthcare sector, with the first NHS building to achieve the energy-saving standard now open
Keeping a safe and well-run environment in healthcare settings has a direct bearing on patient safety and care, the wellbeing of the NHS workforce and that of the wider public. With products continuing to evolve, a focus on carbon reduction, and lessons learned during the peak of the pandemic, NHS Shared Business Services has renewed its Hard FM Framework to reflect the modern needs of healthcare settings
With the pandemic highlighting the importance of the Health Service and Local Authorities working together, and indeed accelerating this collaboration, Health Business examines the collective responsibilities of Integrated Care Systems and how they can help reduce the burden on an overstretched NHS
Procurement law reforms mean awarding contracts isn’t necessarily simple. Jamie Foster, commercial lawyer at Hill Dickinson, explains the rules and how they might change
In its latest report, BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, makes the case for a ‘clinical satnav’
NHS Digital Principal Security Specialist Victoria Axon talks about why the NHS must be resilient to cyber security threats and is joined by Martin Price from Royal Cornwall Hospital NHS Trust and Tony Cobain of assurance specialists MIAA to discuss how networking and the NHS Cyber Associates Network (CAN) plays a big part in that.