The NHS must embrace the agency workforce. During this staffing crisis, recruitment agencies and temps are playing a crucial role in keeping wards open and the wheels of the NHS turning, writes Yerin Seo, senior campaigns advisor at the Recruitment and Employment Confederati
We are more aware of infection control than ever before. Covid, flu, mpox, though below their peak, are still around and we can’t get complacent. Here are some top tips for infection control in your building
NHS Providers recently published a report entitled: “No more sticking plasters: repairing and transforming the NHS estate”. HB investigates
Stockport NHS Foundation Trust’s Green Plan has been officially ratified at the trust’s most recent board meeting
Following his appearance at the Digital Health Rewired conference in March, Professor Ben Goldacre explains why information governance is not enough when it comes to protecting privacy
Chris Dimitriadis, chief global strategy officer at ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association) on how public sector organisations can protect themselves from cyber threats
A new 3D anatomy teaching model has been launched which will feature the most expansive skin tone library ever available in global health education. Health Business spoke to some of those involved in the project
A recent report by Public Policy Projects has said that ICSs need to use digital innovation in order to reduce health inequalities. HB picks out some key points from the report
Researchers at the University of Nottingham have recently been awarded a £6 million grant from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) in order to develop a toolkit for 3D printing. HB spoke to Ricky Wildman, Professor in Chemical Engineering at The University of Nottingham
NHS Golden Jubilee has recently performed its 1,000th robotic orthopaedic joint replacement - HB looks at the hospital’s robotics programme