Safety first: how the NHS is tackling violence against staff
Man in suit being aggressive towards doctor

NHS staff across the UK are facing an alarming rise in violence and abuse, with reports of physical assaults, threats, and verbal attacks reaching record levels. Recent investigations reveal that ambulance crews, call handlers, and hospital workers are increasingly at risk, prompting urgent calls for stronger protections and tougher penalties for offenders

NHS staff safety has been in the news recently, with reports of staff being spat at, hit and punched while on duty.

A recent investigation by the BBC found that more than 1,700 physical assaults have been recorded on hospital staff in Kent and Sussex over the course of a year. A 2022 staff survey found that more than 14 per cent of the NHS Sussex Trust workforce has experienced physical violence.

In January, the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) said that UK ambulance services are on course for the highest rate of reported incidents of violence, aggression and abuse directed at their people ever recorded. Data from the association showed that there are 20,000 incidents expected across the fourteen UK ambulance services in the 2024-25 financial year. This is an average of 55 a day.

There has been a sharp increase in reported incidents of violence, aggression and abuse against ambulance staff over the past four years. In 2021/22 the total was 15,430, in 2022/23 it rose by 2.7 per cent to 15,857. In 2023/24 the figure rose by 23.8 per cent to 19,633. 

Jason Killens, AACE chair and chief executive of the Welsh Ambulance Services University NHS Trust said: “It is with huge regret that we see the level of violence, aggression and abuse across all UK ambulance services increasing and that frontline clinical employees as well as call handlers are affected. This unacceptable behaviour has a major long-term impact on the health and wellbeing of ambulance people who are simply trying to do their jobs and help save lives.

This is why we are making a plea to the public to ensure that our staff are treated with the respect they deserve, especially during the busy festive period. We are also asking the judiciary to use their full powers under the Assaults on Emergency Workers Offences Act 2018 legislation to ensure appropriate sentences are handed out consistently to those found guilty of committing these crimes against our workforce.”

Meanwhile, attacks on crews and call handlers at London Ambulance Service have increased by more than 10 per cent in the last year. Recent figures show that there were around seven physical or verbal attacks on ambulance crews or those taking 999 calls in London every day. This is the highest rate ever recorded. These incidents include kicking, punching, slapping, spitting, verbal abuse, threats, and sexual assault.

An ITV News investigation last year found that there were at least 41,226 physical assaults on NHS staff working in hospitals in 2023. The number represented a 21 per cent increase since 2019. There was also a 142 per cent increase in reports to the police of violent assaults on hospital staff compared to 2019.

Berkshire Healthcare NHS Trust reported 800 physical assaults against its staff in 2023. There were also 925 non-physical assaults.

Anti-abuse campaigns

In June last year, University Hospitals Tees  launched a violence against staff campaign 
after a 32 per cent increase in attacks over a 12-month period. More than 800 members of staff from across South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust (which make up University Hospitals Tees) reported some form of assault from patients, relatives or the public whilst carrying out their duties.

The campaign shows images of children of staff members alongside messages pleading to keep their parents safe at work.

Faye and Logan, children of Louise Michie, consultant obstetrician for South Tees Hospitals took part in the campaign. Louise Michie said: “All NHS workers have the right to feel safe at work to allow them to provide the best possible care to our patients.

“The campaign is incredibly important as it highlights the message that violent attacks against our staff will not be tolerated.”

East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) launched its ‘Your Safety, Our Priority’ campaign last year after an increase in attacks on staff. Of the 1,455 attacks recorded, 362 were physical assaults, 522 were verbal in nature, and 571 were instances of non-physical abuse such as aggressive gestures and intimidating behaviour towards staff.

EEAST’s health, safety and security specialist Alistair Livingstone runs the campaign, he said: 
“We see too many incidents where our colleagues are attacked – either physically or verbally – when they are there doing their job in difficult circumstances to help people in their time of need. It is completely unacceptable.

“We’re doing all we can to support our staff if they are confronted or physically attacked. In the coming months we’re introducing a new training programme for our people to recognise and assess the risk of potentially dangerous situations, and how to get away to safety. We’re driving forward the delivery and use of body-worn cameras, which are invaluable for staff if something happens.

“We’re reviewing how the Trust manages and responds to internal reports of violence and aggression, so our colleagues can see what action is being taken.

“Finally, we are being clear about how the Trust will support and help our colleagues through any process, including prosecution of those that choose to attack emergency workers, which can be really gruelling for all involved.”


NHS England has provided £8.4 million to all 11 ambulance services for the procurement and evaluation of a three-year body worn camera trial. 

The Work without fear campaign has been developed in collaboration with the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE). The aim of the campaign is to portray ordinary people doing an extraordinary job and highlight the impact that violence and abuse can have on the everyday lives of ambulance staff.

Amanda Pritchard, NHS chief executive said: “It is horrific that in just one year, thousands of our hardworking ambulance staff have experienced unacceptable violence and abuse at work. Ambulance staff are already under huge pressure delivering urgent care to patients and they have a right to feel safe when they come to work.

“We know there is more to be done right across the NHS to ensure staff are protected and Work Without Fear is an important campaign which will highlight the horrendous impact this is having on the ambulance workforce and hopefully help towards preventing such violence from happening.”


NHS England’s Violence Prevention and Reduction Programme aims to support NHS organisations and systems to embed a culture where NHS colleagues feel supported, safe and secure at work. 

NHS England encourages the use of the VPR standard as a framework and elements of it can be incorporated into pre-existing strategies and policies.

NHS England expects all parts of the NHS to commit to preventing and reducing the risk of violence towards staff and support health and wellbeing.