NHS SBS named one of the best workplaces for wellbeing

NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) has been named on a list of the UK’s Best Workplaces for Wellbeing.

The list recognises workplaces at which employees experience a high level of wellbeing.

NHS SBS earned 36th place on the list of 50 organisations.

The list is compiled based on analysis of anonymous responses from employees to surveys undertaken by Great Place To Work® (GPTW) culture experts.  

The analysis found that 97 per cent of NHS SBS employees feel the organisation is a physically safe workplace; 95 per cent say they are treated fairly regardless of their sexual orientation; 93 per cent believe they are treated fairly regardless of their race or ethnic origin and 90 per cent said they were made to feel welcome when they joined the organisation.

Sarah Bryan, HR director at NHS SBS said: “The GPTW surveys assessed holistic experiences of wellbeing, including work-life balance, sense of fulfilment, job satisfaction, financial security and the organisation’s ability to deliver consistency of its employee experience across all departments and seniority levels.  

“When our employees thrive so does our organisation and quality of service, and  our inclusion on this exclusive list officially acknowledges our commitment to create a consistently positive employee experience.  

“We’re immensely proud to be recognised as one of the UK’s leading organisations in this regard and whilst there’s more to be done, it is strong affirmation we’re on the right track.”