A hospital being built.
NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) has recently released the third-generation of its Construction Consultancy framework agreement, ‘Healthcare Planning, Construction Consultancy & Ancillary Services (HPCCAS).
A doctor performing a surgery.
Catherine Langstreth, assistant principal of curriculum and stakeholder engagement, Bolton College explains how people in Bolton are supported into NHS careers.
Medical symbols.
AI is being rolled out across the NHS in an effort to solve more problems more quickly and free up time and money.
Medicine symbols.
NHS Shared Business Services Hard Facilities Management 2 Framework Agreement provides a compliant route to access a full range of hard facilities management products and services.
Medical equipment.
With environmental goals at trust and NHS level, there are different areas of healthcare to address. Waste from medical equipment is one area to look at.
Wind farms.
The NHS is the first health service in the world to embed net zero into legislation, with a goal of reaching net zero by 2040 for emissions it directly controls and 2045 for emissions it can influence and every trust must play its part. Leeds Teaching Hospitals has recently installed a solar canopy over a car park at Wharfedale Hospital.
Red sprinkler.
The Business Sprinker Alliance explains why it is important to look after your sprinklers.
Legionella bacteria.
The Legionella Control Association discusses how to address legionella.
Microbes floating about.
With so many patients hospitalised with winter viruses, what can be done to prevent the spread in hospitals? HB takes a look at infection control in these environments.
The national robotarium.
Researchers at the National Robotarium of Heriot-Watt University, in collaboration with the Dundee Institute for Healthcare Simulation of University of Dundee are developing an AI-empowered system which will help trainee surgeons learning to conduct laparoscopic (or keyhole) surgery to complete their training more quickly.